ISO 50001 Energy Management System

ISO 50001 Energy Management System

The ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard aims to help Organizations establish systems and procedures to improve their energy performance.

The concept of energy performance includes the concepts:

  • of energy use (where do we use energy?)
  • energy efficiency (how efficiently are we using energy?)
  • of energy consumption (how much energy do we use?)

Through the implementation and certification of an Energy Management System, the company has significant benefits, such as:

  • Identification and Evaluation of Energy Needs and Uses
  • Formulation of energy consumption and recognition of energy saving opportunities
  • Implementation of good energy saving practices
  • Reduction in operating costs.
  • Reduction of environmental impact.
  • More efficient use of machinery and equipment
  • Raising awareness of staff and partners in matters of energy management
  • Through the application of this International Standard and systematic energy management, to
  • lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas and other related environmental emissions
  • impacts, but also the cost of energy.