Ecological Management and Ecological Control System based on Regulation 1221/2009 (EMAS)

Ecological Management and Ecological Control System based on Regulation 1221/2009 (EMAS)

Nowadays, the continuous pollution of the environment and the consumption of natural resources are two of the biggest modern problems of our planet.

The EMAS Regulation is an Ecological Management and Control System which was adopted by the European Union in 1993 (Regulation 1836/1993), revised in 2001 (Regulation 761/2001), and is now in its third edition (Regulation 1221/2009).

It is a European Ecological Management System for the various Organizations (regardless of size and sector) which aims at the continuous ecological progress of their activities, obliging companies to evaluate and improve the ecological performance of their facilities, as well as to continuously inform the public. This is a voluntary regulation and the Organizations that seek to participate in it must comply with environmental legislation, implement Environmental Management Systems and publicize their environmental performance through an Environmental Report.